Friday, April 3, 2009

ok, never mind.

The roof will be closed on Sunday night. So that should mean fewer technical bullshit.

WrestleMania 25 Predictions


WWE has done something with the silver anniversary of their marquee event I didn't think they could do: build up their matches, for the most part, extremely well. 5 of the 9 matches have been given a great run-up with some great shoots, some interesting spots, and compelling plot twists. If WWE can pull off a show the same way they have built it up, they can make a lot of the smarks who have been turned off the WWE the past few years back on. As is every WrestleMania, this is a big moment.

First off, let me give you some lists:

Matches in order of best buildup since Royal Rumble 2009:
1-T. HHH vs Orton
1-T. Taker vs HBK
3. WHC Triple Threat
4-T. Carlitos vs Jealous Twins
4-T. Jericho vs Geezers
6. Hardy vs Hardy
7. Money In The Bank
8. Diva Battle Royal
9. JBL vs Mysterio

Matches in order of how much I am looking forward to them:
1. Taker vs HBK
2. HHH vs Orton
3. Money In The Bank
4. Carlitos vs Jealous Twins
5. Hardy vs Hardy
6. WHC Triple Threat
7. Jericho vs Geezers
8. Diva Battle Royal
9. JBL vs Mysterio

Finally, 5 things the WWE MUST accomplish with WM25 for success going forward:
1. Avoid so many damn technical difficulties. Even though I don't know if WWE will have the roof open or closed Sunday (Reliant Stadium is a retractable roof stadium), having last year's WM in the open air of the Citrus Bowl may have contributed to the many technical snafus (e.g. the lights going out during Maria's match, the pyro malfunction at the end, etc.) that WWE suffered last year. Sure, it looked impressive to have full pyro reign last year, but having a repeat of technical hell this year that you had in 2008 is going to hurt your bottom line, WWE. Especially in this economy.
2. Don't make the musical performances bigger than they need to be. Remember, people are in Houston this weekend to see a wrestling event, not a classic rock concert. And while I can live with one Kid Rock song (I can use it as a bathroom break), this really is not the time and the place for that sort of shit. There is a time and a place for live music at WrestleMania, such as America the Beautiful at the top of the show, or a la Triple H's entrance at WM21, but no full songs in Glendale for WM26, please.
3. Resuscitate the tag team division. I love the Carlito/Morrison/Miz match because it will give us a unified tag team champion I think can have staying power. And we have several face tag teams (Jesse/Festus, Cryme Tyme, etc.) that really can beg for a face push. You have an opportunity to give the tag division some life. Don't blow it.
4. Let Stone Cold, if he wants to, get back in the business. What a golden opportunity for Stone Cold, who gets put into the Hall tomorrow, to get back into the WWE as a commentator, as Tazz's last FNSD broadcast airs tonight. Stone Cold might not want to take the role and that's fine, but a JR/Austin teamup could be very interesting. I've heard murmurs that Joey Styles will get back to ringside and take over and that's ok too, but Austin is my personal choice to add some spice to FNSD.
5. And most important: WIN THE SMARKS BACK. It's surreal to me watching my DVD for WM24 just how much the WWE has changed in the past year. The television rating for WWE programming declined to TV-PG, mostly due to Linda's Connecticut Board of Education entry. While I am happy for her, the product has suffered, mostly due to the ratings change imho, greatly since March 2008. Viewership, not surprisingly, has followed the downward trend. With the way the WWE has built these WM angles, the WWE has a real opportunity to win the smarks, or fans like me who think deeper about the show than just the storyline, back into a vested interest in wrestling programming. As it should be, WrestleMania is a big barometer for the company. Blow this show, WWE, and you're gonna have more people, especially in this economy, take off for the world of MMA and other entertainment venues. You have no real competition, WwE. Quit acting like it.

Now for the match predictions. As usual, "Will win" is who I think the WWE will put over on Sunday night. "Who I want to win" is my personal rooting interest. Be aware, rooting interest for all matches extends to the people I don't choose if they can show me something extremely impressive (a la Morrison and Benjamin in last year's MITB).

World Heavyweight Champion Edge defending vs John Cena and The Big Show in a triple threat match.
Will win: John Cena
Who I want to win: Edge
In a milestone WrestleMania year, we can't have the top face not going over in the main event, can we? I don't think so, and that is why Supergirl should be able to F.U. Big Show to pick up the victory. And that's exactly why I'll be chanting "YOU CAN'T WRESTLE" in Atlanta on 4/13. But long-time viewers should know I am and forever will be an Edge-head. So come on Edge, you can win Vickie back, I guess.

WWE Champion Triple H defending vs Randy Orton
Will win: Triple H
Who I want to win: Randy Orton
If 2 weeks ago on Raw proved anything (where Randy laid out and almost laid SMH), it's that Triple H is going to be put over and keep his title. But don't let that distract you from what should be a very good match because, quite frankly, with the way they have built this rivalry up since No Way Out, they have no choice. I still want to see Randy win it as a reward for his character improvement the last several months (maybe with a VKM heel turn), but I don't think that will happen.

The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels
Will win: Taker by just a hair
Who I want to win: No preference
Following PPV logic, Taker should win this based on the fact that HBK has been punking his mind each of the last 4-5 weeks. But I really don't know: Michaels is close to retirement and this could really be the moment where his career is solidified, not that it needed much solidifying to begin with. I think it's going to be a really really close match and I don't think you can lock Taker into 17-0 automatically like some smarks are doing. Taker, after kicking out of Sweet Chin Music, will capture the win with either a Tombstone or the Hell's Gate submission. Great match nonetheless to validate a superb buildup between the two WWE veterans.

WWE Tag Team Champions Carlito and Primo vs World Tag Team Champions John Morrison and The Miz in a tag team lumberjack match
Winners unify the championships into the Unified WWE Tag Team Championships
Will win: Morrison and Miz
Who I want to win: Morrison and Miz
This could easily steal the show from MITB and Taker/HBK. The four superstars in this match have already shown they can pull off impressive moves (read: Carlito's reversal backstabber on last week's FNSD), not to mention the Bella rivalry has been actually watchable. But I sense a heel turn by the good Bella (idk the names, the one with the Carlitos), making the Bellas the girls you love to hate. And that could be good for Morrison and Miz's characters going forward. Adding to an already impressive year, Morrison and Miz unify the titles.

Money In The Bank Ladder Match
Winner earns a world title shot at the date and time of his choosing anytime before WrestleMania XXVI (March 2010)
Participants: CM Punk, Kane, Mark Henry, WWE United States Champion Montel Vontavious Porter, Shelton Benjamin, Kofi Kingston, Christian, and Finlay
Will win: Christian
Who I want to win: MVP, Kofi, or Christian
They really didn't build up MITB all that well this year, basically dismissing it as a yearly occurrence with no significance. Oh well, it should still be a fun match to watch with a chance for the lighter competitors in this match to zoom out of the mid-card like Punk did last year with winning this match, or like Morrison last year, who won me over with his impressive spots. My money is on Christian: I don't think they can keep him in the mid-card for this long based on the pushes he got in TNA. And with the draft coming up, a Christian win would certainly see him moving to one of the two main shows on April 13. But don't underestimate two other superstars in this match too: MVP, who could continue his winning push he's had so far this year; or Kofi, who could play off his Elimination Chamber chance being taken away at No Way Out. Any way you shape it, look for a face win here.

Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy in an Extreme Rules match
Will win: Jeff Hardy
Who I want to win: No preference so long as plenty of weapons are involved
Yes, the Extreme Rules stip sounds appetizing, but remember, this is the first WrestleMania we've had since the TV rating system came out that we watch a TV-PG show. So this match has a chance to become the most underwhelming match on the card. Not to mention that this angle has become a talk-fest the last 3 weeks. So at least I won't be disappointed when we see no blood or no extremely dangerous weapons go down here. Jeff satisfies his fans and wins.

Chris Jericho vs Rowdy Roddy Piper, Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, and Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka in a 3 vs 1 Handicap Elimination Match
Note: Jericho must eliminate all of his opponents to win.
Will win: The geezers
Who I want to win: The geezers
So this will probably be the match where Mickey Rourke shows up and helps the geezers. Ok, fine, I'll go along with this, only cause I want to see Randy get the ultra-heel run that Jericho will give up in this match. Come on, Chris, I dare you to prove me wrong.

There are two matches I really don't have a far opinion on:

WWE Intercontinental Champion John Bradshaw Layfield defending vs Rey Mysterio
Will win: JBL
Who I want to win: Rey Mysterio

25-diva Battle Royal (over top rope/both feet touch); winner to be crowned Miss WrestleMania
Will win: A heel diva, probably Maryse
Who I want to win: No preference

So I'm rooting for a great show by WWE, and some superstars in particular. Let's all celebrate 25 years of the weekly and annual mayhem.

Those who aren't ordering the PPV (and those who are), I will be Twittering LIVE during WrestleMania with live match analysis and results. Join me Sunday at 6:45pm ET at and be sure to "follow" me for a live event Twitter session from the WWE Draft in Atlanta April 13 at 6:45pm ET.

Monday, March 16, 2009

First bracket impressions.

Feel free to disagree. *Click on the picture to look at the full bracket, i haven't figured out how to make it smaller yet*

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Vickie got some splainin to do. So do I.

3/9/09 -- Jacksonville (FL) Veterans Memorial Arena

Rey Mysterio, Finlay, Christian def World Tag Team Champions The Miz/John Morrison and Kane
Mysterio pins Morrison, 619 combination

Kofi Kingston def Chris Jericho to earn a spot in the Money In The Bank ladder match at WrestleMania 25
Pinfall, Jericho distracted by Ric Flair appearance

WWE Divas Champion Maryse def WWE Women's Champion Melina

John Bradshaw Layfield def CM Punk to become the NEW WWE INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION
Pinfall, Clothesline from Hell after JBL ranked CM Punk's eyes

Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase def WWE Champion Triple H
Forfeit, Triple H did not show

* Undertaker appeared on Raw and gave a great shoot to HBK. Taker's in-ring ability may have diminished in recent years as he grows older, but his shoots the past few weeks have been great in promoting this match.
* The reason Triple H didn't show in Jacksonville is because he tried a little bit of breaking and entering fun with a sledgehammer "in St Louis", where Randy Orton was interviewed in his "home" (it was actually done in Florida according to WrestleZone). After a few minutes of throwing Randy Orton out a window and breaking other IKEA-made things, the "police" showed up and HHH was "arrested", as Randy Orton was held back to avoid fighting Hunter further.
* And now for a moment I'm ashamed of: John Cena made me laugh last night. During Contract Signing II: Electric Boogaloo between Show and Edge, Cena got entered in the WHC match at WM25, making it a triple threat. As it turns out, Cena got this entry because of what he said to make Vickie cry at FNSD last Friday: Cena had some footage to show from his hometown of Boston, where Raw was last week. It revealed that Big Show and Vickie had been having an affair behind Edge's back. To which Cena replied: "Vickie, you got some 'splainin to do!", using Ricky Ricardo's voice from I Love Lucy. I am so ashamed of laughing at that. Long story short, it's Cena in a title triple threat for the 2nd straight year, I have no honor left, and I hope that Edge gets the triple threat win in Houston (though we all know what's going to happen).


Taped 3/9/09, Aired 3/10/09
Jacksonville (FL) Veterans Memorial Arena

WWE Tag Team Champion Primo def World Tag Team Champion The Miz
Pinfall, Backstabber
Bonus: Primo and Carlito have a chance to become undisputed tag champs Friday on FNSD (8pm ET/PT, MyNetwork TV HD)

Tyson Kidd def DJ Gabriel
Pinfall, springboard elbow
Kidd: 4-0 in WWE competition

Christian wins battle royal to earn a spot in the Money In The Bank ladder match at WrestleMania 25
Competitors: Shad Gaspard, JTG, Vladimir Kozlov, William Regal, The Great Khali, Chavo Guerrero, Paul Burchill, Ricky Ortiz, Kung Fu Naki, Jimmy Wang Yang, Goldust, Charlie Haas, Dolph Ziggler, Tommy Dreamer, R-Truth



WWE Champion Triple H defends vs Randy Orton

World Heavyweight Champion Edge defends vs The Big Show and John Cena

The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels

Winner earns right to challenge either World Champion or WWE Champion any time before WrestleMania XXVI
CM Punk vs Kane vs Mark Henry vs MVP vs WWE United States Champion Shelton Benjamin vs Kofi Kingston vs Christian vs TBD

Competitors TBD, advertised as tri-branded with guest divas from WWE history

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

In Soviet Russia, U-Turn Forks You!

So we discovered in Race #1404 that one team isn't as innocent as they appear. And yet no one can discover that. How you ask? Well....

The first step in this leg was to get to Siberia and find out what destination was on the back of the 10-ruble note, which was some sort of dam. The dirty play started early, as the cheerleaders (Jaime and Cara) used an accidental taxi-to-taxi call to dupe the midgets (Mark and Michael) into thinking they were really agents at Lufthansa. It ended up all being in good fun, as the midgets actually got to Krasnoyarsk first, along with Kisha/Jen and Christie/Jodi. Meanwhile, the trickster cheerleaders ended up missing a Moscow connection along with the other teams.

But there was a bunchup potential at the dam as the three leaders had to wait for the dam to open. The other teams, however, were far behind, allowing the three leaders to get to the detour, a key factor in this leg. Their choice: stack a tall pile of firewood and hope you don't knock down the stacks, or build some shutters and take them to a marked house. All three teams tried to go on the stacking route, and while the female teams stacked well, the midgets' stack came tumbling down, causing them to switch tasks. Meanwhile, the black sisters finished the stacking first, leading them to the route marker where a new twist awaited: the BLIND U-turn.

Those of you who are new to the game, the U-turn, of which there are only 2 in the race, allowed any team to force any other team to backtrack and complete the other detour option. However, this time, with the blind U-turn, the team choosing to force the backtrack could remain secret whereas before the team had to declare that they did it. Seeing as how no one had arrived from the 2nd flight, both female teams passed on this opportunity and went to the road block.

Meanwhile, as the midgets couldn't find the house they were to deliver shutters to, the other five teams arrived and all of them tried to stack. 3 teams failed in their stacking mission: hottie Amanda and jock Kris, the cheerleaders, and the gays Mel and Mike. The cheerleaders stayed strong with deaf kid Luke and Margie and the Asians Tammy and Victor, while the hottie/jock and the gays went to shut themselves in, so to speak.

With their successful stack, Margie and Luke hit the blind u-turn point in 3rd and decided to do the evil deed: they pulled the u-turn on Amanda and Kris, quoting that they wanted to keep Jaime and Cara in the race. Apparently they didn't hear that Lufthansa was suing the cheerleaders (kidding). Anyways, this is a move that no one would expect from them in retrospect, which could really play to Luke and Margie's advantage if more blind u-turns/yields pop up later in the race.

Unbeknownst of their fate, the daters joined the gays and the midgets in trying to build the shutters and find the house. After what seemed like hours searching for the house, they finally found it, and the male teams quickly assembled their shutters, putting the daters in last place behind the teams who had finished their log stacking.

And this was ALL before they were forced to turn back to wood stacking, holding their belief that the blacks had u-turned them and that the actual perpetrators, Luke and Margie, probably felt bad.

Those perpetrators had long been held up at the Roadblock, which is something I NEED TO DO when I visit Siberia. They had to complete a 3-mile bobsled course in less than 4 minutes while looking for seven letters on the route. After that, they had to unscramble those letters to spell the name "Chekhov", advertised as a Russian playwright. I would've gone with another way to spell a Star Trek officer, but no matter.

Anyways, Kisha, after going twice to spot all seven letters, struggled along with Christie to spell the name. They eventually got it pretty close to each other, leading to a virtual footrace to the pit stop at some musical comedy theater. Finding the wrong theater entrance, the blacks fell to 2nd, allowing the flight attendants to win the leg and take home some motorcycles.

Luke, however, (DESERVEDLY) struggled coming up with the name at the road block as the Asians snuck ahead to grab 3rd. He eventually made it, but seeing him emotionally struggle was satisfaction for me in their u-turn move.

Despite his struggles, he and Margie comfortably finished in a transfer spot, as the U-turn was too much for Kris and Amanda to overcome. I thought it might be a non-elimination point, but Amanda and Kris, as it was revealed, are now out.

So now we have all four couples out of the race in the first 4 legs. Two aren't surprising (Brad/Victoria and Linda/Steve) but two very much are (Amanda/Kris and Preston/Jennifer). And all 3 female teams are still in the race, a combination that has never won the race. Could we be looking at history this series?

Finishing Order for Leg 4:
1. Christie/Jodi (motorcycles)
2. Kisha/Jen
3. Tammy/Victor
4. Margie/Luke
5. Jaime/Cara
6. Mel/Mike
7. Mark/Michael
8. Amanda/Kris (eliminated)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Don't hide things.

Also known as your lesson from HK #505, where we visited the cuisine and culture of Japan, a new dish found its way into Ramsay's heart, and another idiot was (deservedly) sent packing.

We start with a visit to an Asian supermarket in Lipstick City, as Scott Ferrall, of Sirius-XM Howard 101 fame, calls it, for the obligatory "Cook Something Good and Cheap" challenge! The challenge was to cook something "Asian Fusion" (whatever that is) with 25 minutes to shop and $100 to spend. Not much for something that has to impress the editor of a food website. They then had an hour to cook it. So far, the challenges have been extremely competitive and this challenge was no exception, with Ramsay and Tanya Steel (the editor in question) choosing 2 red dishes vs. 1 blue dish. In addition, Carol's dish, some tuna sushi thing, was recommended by Ramsay as one of the best things he's ever tasted on HK, going so far as to put it on the menu for the next night's service. So for a 2nd straight reward, the girls got to have a Japanese fun day! But we'll get back to that later.

Let's talk about the main theme: the rebirth of Lacey, who, as you remember, got moved to the blue boys in #504. Throughout the challenge, the boys did not acknowledge her at all, preferably wanting her gone. But after the challenge and through the punishment, which was to make fortune cookies and origami, Lacey started to gain respect by teaching the guys how to make origami. Ok, so it took a non-food thing for the guys to respect Lacey, but she eventually became one of the few pluses of the next night's service. Keep that in mind.

Back to the red girls, who got a hilarious treat: wrestling in large sumo suits. The funny part was who demonstrated the suits at first: Ramsey and Jean Phillipe, who makes a rare appearance in a reward. Then they all dog-piled on each other and that made me happy. Of course, they made themselves happy by getting drunk on sake.

But all the happiness would end with the next night's service, which featured one table of note: a table of sumo wrestlers. They order everything on the menu, continuing Fox's proud tradition of stereotyping Asians (Family Guy, American Dad, Banzai, etc.).

Anyways, it was a total disaster of a service yet again. Giovanni and LA put out good appetizers and that was key as you'll find out. Lacey, continuing her renaissance, developed into a leader this service, trying to use her words to keep things moving in the blue kitchen. Call it motivation to beat Red if you want, but Lacey definitely was a comeback player this episode and maybe Ramsay sees potential in her yet.

Pretty much everyone else screwed up, though. J undercooked his beef wellingtons with the wrong fan setting, but in my mind, that wasn't the biggest error. Both Robert and Andrea were wasting/hiding food, which is a BIG NO-NO in Chef Ramsay's kitchen. Robert, in particular, was derided by the use of the name "Bobby" by Ramsay, which made Robert ignore him. You can imagine the downward spiral from there. After the service, Robert and Ramsey met privately, and Robert explained that he and his dad, named Bobby, didn't have a good relationship, thereby explaining the irritation over "Bobby". Surprisingly, Ramsay understood and said he would respect Robert's wishes.

So for the 2nd straight episode, we had a double knockout on the kitchen. But at least we had a Best of Worst for the first time this season: Giovanni and LA for their respective teams. They nominated J and Andrea, respectively, which I think were the type of choices that should've been made last week. I think both nominees have potential to go all the way but both needed swift kicks in the ass by Ramsay.

And that's exactly what happened, as Ramsay asserted his power for the first time this season and kicked out Colleen (YAY!) instead, keeping J and Andrea in the game, and in my mind deservedly so.

Btw, Fox is a bit full of shit for starting Hell's Kitchen at 9:05 due to American Midol overrun. I'm sure 65-70% of the Hell's Kitchen audience couldn't care less who was in American Idol, and I'm sure DVR users are probably pissed this morning. At least the episodes are on-demand.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Red and White is for the Polish version of Race.

My thoughts on Race #1403:

So for the 2nd straight episode of Race, it was all about the Asians. But unlike the last episode, they were the dumbest and unluckiest people on the face of the earth, and got very lucky to stay in the race.

First off, we found out that they had a 100-minute lead (!) at the start of this leg from their dominating performance in #1402. But it went all downhill from there, as they jumped on a flight for Romania all by themselves. Only problem is: Lufthansa mechanics obviously can't do shit. So they get to join the rest of the lead teams on the next flight out of Munich to Bucharest. One team, however, was not on that flight. We'll come back to that later.

Anyways, the Asians wind up getting the first taxi out of there but they can't quite find the roadblock: a gymnastics challenge. Guess who got out of that challenge first. THAT'S RIGHT: Mel and Mike, who I would guess watch gymnastics furiously at the Olympics. They move on to the train station to take a trip to Transylvania.

Meanwhile, the Asians end up getting into the gymnastics room in 8th place. Tammy chose to do it and struggled mightily, as the stress was getting to her. It didn't help that Victor was barking orders the entire time. This would become a theme of this episode. They got to the train station still in 8th, but they got lucky as an early morning train bunched up the 8 teams together. Yes, I know there are 9 teams in the race at this point; keep reading.

The next route marker in Transylvania was a detour. Choice #1 made you load a horse cart with some gypsy belongings, and trying to avoid Borat in the process. Choice #2 made you drag a coffin off a hill and open it to reveal some frames you drive a stake into. Find a flag and you win.

The gays and the couple (Amanda/Kris) went to the gypsies, cause, after all, the gays would probably fit right in. The gypsies' random musical instruments and stuff they made the teams tow made me giggle unstoppably.

The Asians, among other teams, went for the coffins, but they made a crucial error as they went for white and red markers on a trail up a mountainside instead for the yellow and red arrows that you should always look for. Believing in his own mind, Victor went up this wrong path for hours despite Tammy's pleas to turn around. The big brother/little sister complex was clearly in play here and after self-defeating himself, Victor FINALLY turned around and got through the challenge, despite misplacing the key for a while.

Meanwhile, the gypsy move (the midgets and the blacks also chose this route; everyone else went for the coffins) turned out to be the correct detour choice in this leg; the 4 teams that went for the gypsies all finished in the top 5, including Mel and Mike, who won the leg and get to go to Costa Rica, and Amanda and Kris, who suffered a minor delay in misplacing their fanny pack with their passports and stuff. This probably cost them the win in this leg cause they can outrace the gays for sure. A sobbing Victor and Tammy stepped on the mat in 8th place, as the Asians hope they can rework their relationship.

Where was the 9th team, you ask? Committing 2 cardinal sins of the Race. Brad and Victoria gambled on a quicker flight to Amsterdam in hope they would make a narrow connection to get to Romania faster. But as fate would have it, their Munich to Amsterdam flight was delayed, making the transfer impossible and forcing an overnight layover at AMS. As a result, the geezers never caught up and were eliminated hours after Tammy and Victor checked in. What have we learned from Brad and Victoria? 1. You don't go extremely westbound (MUC to AMS in this case) in an eastbound race, it will cost you in the end. And 2. Narrow connections are gonna burn you in the end because of all the customs BS that you have to go through.

So now we are down to 8. The Asians were my favorite to win it all but now I don't know. We'll see if they regain their composure in #1304.

#1403 Finishing Order:
1. Mel/Mike (trip to Costa Rica)
2. Amanda/Kris
3. Kisha/Jen
4. Margie/Luke
5. Mark/Michael
6. Christie/Jodi
7. Jaime/Cara
8. Tammy/Victor
9. Brad/Victoria (eliminated)

Over the weekend in sports:
Pistons finally get a quality win in Boston. But I think it's too late to save their season, as the NBA's economic contraction has hit the Pistons hard in their quest to bid for 2010 free agents.
Kyle Busch wins in his hometown of Vegas. He's looking to pick up his regular-season form right where he left off last season. Note I said regular-season.
Wings lose 8-nil to the Predators on the same week they defeated San Jose at home. That's not the way you're gonna win the West.
Albert Haynesworth is going to be a Redskin and $100m richer. But Washington will still suck.
Liverpool loses 2-nil away to Middlesbrough. I think we can now just give the crown back to Manchester United where it's going to go for a 3rd straight year.
Speaking of United, they're 40% of the way to total football domination after a penalty kick win in the Carling Cup final over Spurs. The way their defense is playing, who's to say that they won't complete the quintuple?
Nobody cares about who won the Tiger-less WGC final.
Michael Phelps says he'll swim in May in his 1st eligible event. I'm sure they'll put up hash marks to mark where he's supposed to start.

Tomorrow about 8am ET -- TEB's first Raw review, and boy should it contain some fireworks.

Friday, February 27, 2009

You couldn't cook my cock.

That might be my favorite "Hell's Kitchen" (Thursdays 9pm ET/PT on FOX HD) quote ever.

So yeah, in my last blog post, I talked about the previous episode of the Amazing Race. I'll be doing that from now on, and on Friday mornings, expect my update on Hell's Kitchen.

So here's who we have being told to f*ck off by Gordon Ramsey in Series 5:
Andrea "Keystone" Heinly -- Age 30 -- Reading, PA
Ben "Look At My Beard" Walanka -- Age 26 -- Chicago
Carol "Down South" Scott -- Age 30 -- Knoxville, TN
Coi "I'm too cool for a last name" -- Age 22 -- Austin, TX
Colleen "Ass-Kisser" Cleek -- Age 41 -- Papillion, NE
Danny "I'm Too Good" Veltri -- Age 23 -- Edgewater, FL
Giovanni "Italiano" Filipponi -- Age 37 -- Destin, FL
J "Letters Are Fun" Maxwell -- Age 32 -- Clifton Park, NY
LA "Not From LA" (real name Alicia) -- Age 23 -- Las Vegas
Lacey "Cheese and Whine" D'Angelo -- Age 24 -- Charlotte
Paula "idk" Dasilva -- Age 28 -- Coconut Creek, FL
Robert "I'm Going For The Peter Griffin Look and Not In A Good Way" Hesse -- Age 29 -- Quogue, NY
Seth "I Love To Be Cocky" Levine -- Age 27 -- New York City

Already gone as we entered episode #504 are:
Wil "Where Does The Sausage Go?" Kocol -- Age 27 -- Elgin, IL -- Eliminated in #501
Ji-Hyun Cha (got nothing bad to say) -- Age 27 -- Palisades Park, NJ -- Left due to injury in #502 (ankle)
"Sorry" Charlie McKay -- Age 24 -- Las Vegas -- Eliminated in #503

In case you haven't been watching, the contestants are divided into same-sex teams at the start.

All right, so after Charlie's exit, Seth (who was nominated in both the men's service losses #501 and #503) is prancing around the dorm saying how he's still in. Yeah, you do that for a while and people will begin to hate you. Oh wait, THEY ALREADY DO!!! Then Robert calmed everyone down with a pretty funny impression of Ramsay. Robert is looking to be my dark horse favorite I'll look for. He hasn't really made any glaring mistakes yet, although the preview for #505 next week says he will get yelled at. So we shall see.

A new day comes and finally there is no rude awakening for the contestants (like there was in #503 or #504). But they are up pretty early, and for good reason: It's time for the obligatory "let's serve breakfast to kids event"; in this case, some high schoolers from some Southern Cal place. The women served the cheerleaders while the men served the football players. All told, the service went relatively well, with the women finishing their service first in our 2nd really close battle of the season (after the dinner service in #502), and hence (finally) winning a challenge.

Actually, we all won from this challenge, as the girls got to go to a Beverly Hills hotel and lounge around in their bikinis. Carol, Paula, Andrea, Coi, you girls are really easy on the eyes. ;) Likewise, thanks to Fox for not showing much of Lacey and insiting LA keep her shirt on. >_>

Meanwhile, the men were punished, although not as bad as how the girls have been punished so far in my honest opinion. Seriously, they made the girls carry out some heavy beef in #503, that was evil. Anyways, the men had to clean up the entire restaurant AND prep both kitchens for dinner service that was, oh by the way, THE SAME NIGHT.

But before punishment, Danny and Ben had a fun little argument about each other's cooking abilities, to which Ben gave us our quote of the series.

So we ended up going into dinner service, which I think was affected greatly by having it the same night as the reward/punishment challenge. Both teams, as you shall see, completely were off-track all night, and I honestly think it was because the girls were relaxing all day and the guys were cleaning all day. But I'm not going to excuse their pitiful performance for that. Let's count the many ways that the two teams failed:
  • Coi could not cook spaghetti to order to save her life.
  • J served a butt of lettuce in a caesar salad. You just don't do that, J, and he knew it.
  • Seth, continuing his ineptitude, wiped off the counter with a dirty rag.
  • Colleen, continuing her ineptitude, made too many beef wellingtons.
  • The tomato butter sauce was not made for the girls. That was supposed to be done by the guys as part of their punishment. Even when it was ordered to be made, Ben screwed it up before another guy (I forgot who made the 2nd batch) made it better.
  • Appetizers and entrees were being returned left and right.
In other words, it made for great tv. Declaring a disaster, Ramsay barked out that both teams need to nominate people.

And those nominees were Lacey and Colleen (again) for the girls and Seth and Ben for the guys. Ok, I'm going to give a mulligan to Lacey in this nomination, even though I hate that bitch; Coi was planning to nominate herself and I don't think Lacey really made many mistakes in this challenge, so let Coi go and give herself a wakeup call. Also, J made a more serious error than Ben did in this service, but I'll let that go. Besides, we all knew that it was gonna be between Seth and Colleen for this elimination.

And it ended up being Seth eliminated in an "it's about god damn time" moment. DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU ON THE ASS ON YOUR WAY OUT, ASSHOLE!

As a final twist, Ramsay moved Lacey over to the guys' team, breaking the gender divide pretty early. But we all know she has no chance: the favorites seem to be Andrea, Paula, and Robert at this point. We shall see how it continues to develop.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Whoops, I got whipped cream in your ear.

So every week, this show called The Amazing Race (Sundays 8pm ET/PT on CBS). The best reality show on TV today. And I thought "Gee, since I have a blog, let's tell you what I thought of this week's episode."

And I will.

First, let me give you some nicknames I'll use for the teams (for simplicity):
1st entering the leg: Margie and Luke (mother and deaf son) or "Helen Keller and his son"
2nd entering the leg: Tammy and Victor (Asian siblings/lawyers) or "Me Love Them Long Time"
3rd entering the leg: Mark and Michael (midget stuntmen) or "The Shorties"
4th entering the leg: Mel and Mike (gay father and son) or "Fabulous"
5th entering the leg: Amanda and Kris (stereotypical dating couple) or "They Tried Too Hard to be Good-Looking"
6th entering the leg: Brad and Victoria (married couple, he's 52, she's 47) or "Geriatric XIV"
7th entering the leg: Jaime and Cara (former NFL cheerleaders) or "Give Me An F-A-I-L"
8th entering the leg: Kisha and Jen (black sisters) or "Sister, Sister"
9th entering the leg: Steve and Linda (married rednecks, he's a carpenter) or "The Rednecks"
10th entering the leg: Christie and Jodi (blonde flight attendants) or "Fasten Your Fail"
Already eliminated: Preston and Jennifer (the other stereotypical dating couple)
Got it? Good. Now let's go thru what haepenned.

We start Leg 2 on a rainy night in Switzerland with Keller and son revealing that they get to go to Munich. You know who else we....never mind. Anyhoo, 7 teams make it on the first flight out of Switzerland while 3 have to settle for a flight 100 min later. The road block would make this time difference irrelevant, because the road block would bunch everyone up and really be the deciding factor in this leg. The road block looked cool: get on top of a mountain and tandem paraglide with an expert to a designated landing zone. That is, unless winds got in the way; then you could wait there (which was stupid) or walk down a path to the landing zone that would take about 60 minutes.

As fate would have it, the wind picked up. Which turned out to be bad news for Fabulous. Mel hurt his groin in the cheese-rolling challenge in the last leg, and it turns out he was the one to choose the road block. So it would've meant further injury for him to walk down. As a result, all of the teams passed him before the wind died down. He got to jump, but not before Fabulous (who entered the block 2nd) slipped to 5th.

The other big factor in this block was the Rednecks, who selected dumbass Linda to do the block. On the trail down, there was a fork in the road, and Linda failed to see the yellow and red sign that guided the players down. She ended up 3 miles down the road from the landing zone and had to bum a ride to Steve. That probably would've been a penalty, but as you'll see later, it wouldn't matter.

Meanwhile, Me Love Them Long Time pretty much ruled the rest of the leg. Tammy got to the bottom of the trail 1st and they stayed in that position thru the detour to the pit stop. The detour was SO MUCH FUN TO WATCH THIS LEG. Their choice: a boring Segway obstacle course (which the midgets and the gays selected) or throw pies at a target until a cherry one popped up. Little did they know that their target was their partner's face. Yeah, probably one of the 5 best tasks I've ever seen on the Amazing Race (granted, I missed last season because I had to work and CBS didn't get Amazing Race up on demand until this season). But yeah, the Asians got through the pies in about 7 tries and went through a little diversionary "get a piece of wood" route marker before hitting the pit stop 1st in Salzburg, Austria.

At the end of this short leg (no pun intended for the midgets), Linda's mistake was too much to overcome. Despite "Fasten Your Fail's" best attempts to blonde moment their way out of the race, they made it in the last transfer spot and the Rednecks are gone to the fail villa. And despite their error earlier, Fabulous got into Salzburg 2nd.

After this 2nd leg, Tammy and Victor have to be the prohibitive favorites. They lost a close footrace to Keller and Son in the first leg and utterly dominated the 2nd leg. I see them making it all the way to the end of the race at least. Others I think will make it in the final 3 are Mel/Mike (they are resilient) and Mark/Michael (dark horse picks to win it all).

Christie and Jodi have to be next on the chopping block: they can't get lucky from their blonde moments forever.

2nd leg finishing order: Tammy/Victor, Mel/Mike, Amanda/Kris, Margie/Luke, Brad/Victoria, Jamie/Cara, Kisha/Jen, Mark/Michael, Christie/Jodi
Gone: Steve/Linda, Preston/Jennifer

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Media is destroying America.

Jim Cramer is an entertaining person to watch. In case you don't know, he hosts a stock analysis show called "Mad Money" on CNBC. But the last few weeks have been nothing but excitement and fun from Jim. He's told nothing but doomsday wishes on the present state of our economy, which I think everyone knows is in shambles. Everyone knows cause NO ONE WILL SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT!

Let's evaluate just some of the ways that media is trying to remind us of the economy:
  • AT&T: "And these days, we can't afford to be wasteful."
  • Jim Cramer's appearance on the Today Show in October 2008: The beginning of his depression.
  • There's a McDonald's ad (can't find it on YouTube) that advertises its Dollar Menu and says "Now more than ever."
  • In recent weeks, Jeopardy has had clues about players in this crisis (Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, etc.) and Alex Trebek mentions how these names "are very much in the news these days."
  • Countless articles about how NASCAR race teams are shutting down due to money woes.
  • WWE's recent angle that has left Shawn Michaels, a top superstar, "bankrupt".
  • The instant opinions on Obama's version of the $787b stimulus and how it won't work for our economy (let's give it a few weeks and see how it works).
  • Not to mention the countless mentions on CNN, Fox, CNBC, MSNBC, (insert abbrevation here) about how we're getting worse and worse.
I could go on and on, but the point is....



Whether you listen to Cramer, the Democrats, the Republicans, whomever. I DON'T CARE! Just quit your damn moping on every damn television station in America and FIX IT! Just like what Charles Schwab is trying to tell you.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Love Machine (and your WWE NWO predictions)

You wish I was a love machine. *sidelook* Anywho...let's get down to some of the big stories.

Tejada will probably go to PMITA prison after pleading guilty to lying about steroids. He fought the law and the law won.
UNC beats Duke at Duke. Again. Fark is right, Duke sucks.
Chelsea sacks Scolari as they fall further from the BPL lead. This is one of the reasons I love futbol, you're in 4th place of a 20-team league and your job is still in danger. Epic.
Yours truly found a Valentine. *sidelook* She might be in Atlanta and I'm stuck in Detroit (currently snow and 24 F), but I've discovered more and more that she is teh awesomeness.

Now, on to NWO predictions.


This is the PPV that sets things up for WM25. And wouldn't you know it, two elimination chamber matches fuck up what I thought was going to be smooth predictable sailing to Houston. But one show's main event is far more set in stone than others. Here are the picks.

All or Nothing Match
John Bradshaw Layfield vs Shawn Michaels
If HBK wins, he is "released from JBL's contract with a severance package that will ensure financial freedom for his family"
If JBL wins, he "owns the HBK name and likeness for all of his private business ventures on a permanent basis"
Will Win: HBK
Who I Want To Win: JBL
Now I know what you are thinking: why do you want a deadbeat like JBL to win? But a JBL win could actually make things very interesting around the "E". Playing off the bad economy has been a pretty intriguing angle, and it would be interesting to see it continue into WM25. But of course, we can't have the marks ask Shawn about his condition outside the arena. Just ask Jericho about what happens when marks approach him after the show. So Shawn wins and gets his freedom.

No Holds Barred Match
Randy Orton vs WWE Executive Vice-President Shane McMahon
Will Win: Shane
Who I Want To Win: No Preference
Shane is always there to steal the show, so this will be the match of the night. Whatever way this match goes is fine with me, cause the Raw main event is pretty much set in stone for WM25. And the McMahons will be involved in that match in full force.

ECW Championship Singles Match
ECW Champion Jack Swagger vs Finlay
Will Win: Swagger
Who I Want To Win: Swagger
Well, this got a hell of a lot more interesting on ECW this past Tuesday night. Which makes me angry that Christian CAGE's return got squashed to a random ECW. Sorry, Finlay, but now you really have no chance on Sunday. Swagger and Christian will fight at WM25 (or sooner, if the draft is April 13 like the rumors say) for the ECW title.

World Heavyweight Championship 6-Man Elimination Chamber Match
World Heavyweight Champion John Cena vs Rey Mysterio vs Kofi Kingston vs Mike Knox vs Kane vs Chris Jericho
Will Win: Cena
Who I Want To Win: Anyone but Knox
See Orton's match. We all know Cena is going to win. The Raw main event for WM25 is too predictable: Cena vs Orton with some sort of McMahon influence. But that doesn't mean the "E" can't surprise me with a Kofi or Rey or even Kane (even though he doesn't want a world belt) win in this match. Jericho I thought could be a darkhorse possibility, but after his stunt last weekend in Victoria, that won't be happening, and besides, he has Rourke to worry about at WM25. Cena retains to set up his match with Orton. Expect to see Kofi and Rey in MITB though (and possibly Kane).

WWE Championship 6-Man Elimination Chamber Match
WWE Champion Edge vs The Undertaker vs Triple H vs Jeff Hardy vs Vladimir Kozlov vs The Big Show
Will Win: Edge, Taker, HHH, or Hardy
Who I Want to Win: Edge, Taker, or Hardy
The WM25 FNSD main event, on the other hand, is far less predictable at this point because you pretty much have the 6 heavy-hitter FNSD superstars in this match. And you have 4 superstars that could potentially set up huge FNSD main events (no disrespect intended for Kozlov or Show). If it's Jeff, obviously you have Jeff vs Matt (which will happen anyways, it's all a matter of title status at this point) for the title. If it's HHH, Edge can go the rematch clause route for an entertaining main event. Ditto for Edge and HHH would get in there somehow. If it's Taker, then it will just be some random heel, maybe Edge. So many ways this could go, and it will be very interesting what WM25 main event develops. They'll have to do it quickly too, before next Friday, to give time to promote the main event. There's a small chance that if a non-Hardy face wins (Taker or HHH), Orton would switch to FNSD and challenge him, but I think that's slim to none.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

A-Rod and Michael Phelps should be roommates.

So the big story in sports this weekend was that Alex Rodriguez, FORMERLY one of my sports heroes alongside #19 (Yzerman), #23 (Jordan), and #10 (Chipper), had tested positive in 2003 for steroids. Why this is being revealed 6 years after the fact is not important (fuck you MLBPA for trying to keep this secret). What is important is that A-Roid (A.K.A. A-Rod*, A-Fraud, and GNC-Rod) betrayed a lot of people's trust, including mine.

You see, A-Rod was the only person I could stand on the Yankees. His play on the field was amazing, and his numbers were just as stellar, leading many, including myself, to be relieved that Bonds' record* of 762 homeruns would be broken by this athlete.

Moreover, I felt a sense of sympathy with him. Since he went to the Yankees, he was always overshadowed by Derek Jeter, the hero of New York who could do no wrong. At least in the questionable eye of the fans. In reality, not only did he have better stats than Jeter (2007 is a great example of this), he happened to just look better on the field.

Now the critics would single out two things: (A) his poor postseason play, and (B) his alleged affair with Madonna. But I was willing to defend him because (A) it's not like any of his teammates (READ: PITCHERS) were doing any better and (B) who hasn't had disagreements with his wife?

I even was willing to defend his disturbing Guitar Hero commercial with fellow druggie Michael Phelps, fellow affairist Kobe Bryant, and....dammit I can't say anything bad about....Tony Hawk, but that was a stretch.

But today his reputation was tarnished forever. Yankee fan, I am humbled to say you were right about him all along. But just remember, when you're paying for his $275m contract with your tickets to the new Yankee Stadium, just remember you're probably paying for A-Fraud's HGH.

Friday, February 6, 2009

you know...

When you use your overnight job as a means of escape, that's when you know something needs to change in days, not weeks. Fuck that, hours.

Take the situation between my dad and my stepmom. I won't go into all the details because it is their situation, but let's just say that I've heard more than I want to hear.

And I'm fucking sick of it all.

I hope my dad can face the facts in the next couple days and realize its all over. Grandma and Grandpa's house is open because they are in Florida and you already said to me that we'd probably go over there and fire everything back up. SO WHY AREN'T WE THERE?

You're sick of her, I'm sick of the yelling, we're both frustrated...LET'S FUCKING GO ALREADY!

Because I'm sure Mom would love to take me back in in Minnesota. Or my cousins here. Or whoever will give me assistance.

Monday, January 26, 2009

I'm staying up all night long.

So as promised, here's what I thought of the Rumble:

Swagger is getting better in the ring.
Melina got the belt, but what a messed-up ending for a pay-per-view match.
Cena and JBL both get kicked by HBK. Weren't we supposed to get total resolvement?
Matt...Matt...I was totally expecting Christian to be in your slot and instead you backstab your brother.
So it's gonna be Cena vs. Orton at WM25? Sigh...
I marked at RVD. Holy crap, I marked at RVD.

Pretty good PPV, wish I was there.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The night shift beckons.

A week to catch up on sports...ok here we go.

NBA -- Pistons have no heart. They better find one soon or they will not have any chance at 1st round home court.
NHL -- Versus is horrible. They missed SIX goals during tonight's All-Star Skills Challenge. That is inexcusable. Here's hoping ESPN gets the NHL in 2011.
NFL -- Pittsburgh/Baltimore was a fun matchup to watch. Lots of great hits in what was a well-expected defensive matchup. Can they stop the Arizona defense in the Super Bowl? My thoughts on the Super Bowl later this week.
Winter X -- Enough about LaVallee and his failed double backflip. Let's talk about how Shaun White is still the king of action sports after his run on slopestyle today. If White is the king, Jacobellis is the queen (5th gold in Boardercross). Does that make Hibbert the court jester? *I kid*
MCBB -- GT sucks, Michigan has been disappointing the last week, and Duke's #1. Yep, time to start avoiding MCBB.
Soccer -- Man U continues to prove they are the champs until they are knocked moving into Rd 5 of the FA Cup and going top of the Premier League table. Also competitive in Serie A with Juve and Inter Milan.
WWE -- Holy controversial storylines Batman! Jeff Hardy gets some fireworks in his face and Vince McMahon gets Randy Orton's boot in his. Rumble tomorrow should be good.
Rumble predictions: Swagger retains, Cena retains, Edge wins the title, Melina wins the title, HHH wins the Rumble.
If you want to watch the Rumble and you're in the Detroit area, join me at Buffalo Wild Wings in Lake Orion. I'll be there at 6 for the NHL All-Star Game sporting the Yzerman 19.

Full Royal Rumble reaction on the Buzz tomorrow night.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Oklahoma City is not a good team to lose to.

I don't care if it's on the road or not. No business.

Anyways, enough about basketball.

Let's talk about the Conference Championships this weekend.
PHI @ ARZ: The cold snap must be getting to Hell too, cause there's an NFC Championship Game taking place in Glendale, AZ. And it's between the NFC Champion Cardinals and the magic comeback of the Eagles. Kurt Warner is a nice story and all, but the Eagles have the better players. Enough of this s**t: Philadelphia 31-21 Arizona
BAL @ PIT: Will there be any points scored in this defense vs. defense showdown at the ketchup bottle? My bet is on very little, so it all comes down to who gets to 14 first. Roethlisberger has been in this stage before, Flacco hasn't. Advantage Steelers: Baltimore 7-17 Pittsburgh

Yes, that means I've picked an all Pennsylvania Super Bowl. Maybe it's a benefit Gruden got out of Tampa today.

Other ramblings:
Job stuff is going really well. In respect to employers who may be considering me, I won't reveal who I'm in contact with, but I think that, with my additional interview knowledge, this will give me the upper hand. :)
ND/Syra (12pm ET ESPN HD), G'Town/Duke (1:30pm ET CBS HD), Wake/Clemson (3:30pm ET ABC HD for some of you), ASU/UCLA (3:45pm ET CBS HD), Pitt/Louisville (6pm ET ESPN HD)
And don't forget the Wings in a big battle in San Jose (10:30pm ET)
The full TV schedule is on my [as3] website at

Check back tomorrow when I'll have thoughts on doing community work for basketball fun! :D

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

54 points in a college game. Holy crap.

I got a lot done today on the job front. I won't discuss my opportunities until I get the job, but let's just say I got a lot of contacts out there and hopefully I'll get a bite. I'll keep you guys updated.

Also, Boston officially announced their $5.5m contract for John Smoltz. It made me sad to see Smoltz in another uniform. Oh well, at least the Braves got Lowe (4-yr/$60m).

No, I didn't get around to calling people. Maybe I should tie a string on my finger.

Meeks 54 pts for Kentucky in a 90-72 win in Knoxville. Holy wow.
Charlotte 80-78 Pistons. Why are we losing to teams like this?
Hawks 102-107 Phoenix: It would be nice to prove ourselves and win to a Western team.
U(sic)GA is gonna lose another underclassman to the NFL *snerk*: this time CB Asher Allen. Good riddance I say.
And to show you how low Prior's career has fallen, San Diego signed him to a minor league contract today.
On ice: Boston has gone 15 up on Montreal with a 2-1 home win. How did the B's get so good?

Sooooooo tomorrow:
More job stuff. It's a daily chore with me.
GT b-ball gets to be raped by Duke (7 ET on ESPN HD)
Happier news: Pistons in Indiana, Thrashers get an actual chance to win vs. Ottawa (7:30 ET on NHL Network HD), Michigan BB in Illinois (8:30 ET on Big Ten HD), Red Wings with a big game in Anaheim
Game of the night on campus: Syracuse @ G-town (7:30 ET on ESPN2 HD)

Yes, they sell video games at 7-Eleven.

So I saw "The Spirit" as advertised tonight. I don't get the bad reviews and low gross for it. Sure, it wasn't as good as "Sin City" or "300", but then again what is? Very well done art style with hotties Eva Mendes and Scarlett Johannson turning up the heat. [ A- ] The best movie I've seen since the summer.

Also, Lifetime Fitness. Wow, that place is huge. Although they were really good trying to get me roped in off my guest pass: "JOIN FOR $40/mo BEFORE FRIDAY!" And I'm thinking, "Let me get a money stream going in, I don't need to be paying that money when I have to worry about loans and cellphone bills first." But if I have the money, I'm thinking of joining. There's a gut on me that needs to go away.

Wings 4-5 Stars in OT. Shame I missed most of this game (Spirit) cause by listening to the highlights on Home Ice on the way home, apparently this was a good Wings game to watch. Oh well, we get the point on the road. We'll take it with trips to Anaheim and San Jose later this week.
Tony Dungy retires from the head coach job in Indy. Good on you, you always coached with class. Have fun in your retirement. :)
Tim Tebow gets shoulder surgery but should be ready for spring practice. What really needs surgery is the Te-bowner that the media has over him.
On Campus: Louisville 87-73 Notre Dame in OT, Oklahoma 78-63 Texas
Reading the Raw report (yes i watch WWE): Jericho fired, Regal keeps the IC title, Michaels and Cena AGAIN...nope didn't really miss anything. Still looking for RR tickets if you're in the Detroit area.

DOT APPLICATION MANIA!!! And callbacks! Busy busy day on the job front.
Gotta call some family members up. See what they are doing.
My teams: Pistons host Charlotte, Hawks are in Phoenix
National games: Habs @ Bruins (7 ET Versus HD), UK @ Tenn (9 ET ESPN HD), ND @ Marquette (9 ET CBS College)

So in other words, expect my blog entry tomorrow to be very interesting indeed. ;)

Monday, January 12, 2009

I'm actually gonna get some exercise.

So my Dad got a membership to Lifetime Fitness up here in the Detroit area (link to their website). Which means I actually get to get some exercise. Of course, with all that is in this exercise building monstrosity, I might just become like Kate Moss and slip through a crack in the floor to my doom. What could possibly go wrong...

Later tonight, I'm going to see "The Spirit" (which has apparently done so poorly it's on at 10pm only :( ). I'll let you know if everyone else was right to avoid it.

In the meantime, expect to see a lot of these in my posts. My advice for what to watch in sports.
Red Wings at Dallas: 8pm ET on Versus HD
Texas at Oklahoma: 9pm ET on ESPN HD

- zs - i also use a lot of family guy references, see if you can spot it in this post ;) -

Welcome to the Engineer Buzz

This is a blog that I just decided to start out of the blue. In case you don't know who I am, let me tell you. My name is Zach. I just graduated last May with a degree in civil engineering from Georgia Tech, and I'm very proud of my degree from there. Unluckily for me, I entered in the worst job market in history. But enough about that.

What this blog is about is a random commentary on the world around me: from sports to gaming to entertainment to whatever. If it's interesting, I'll have an opinion on it.

Now I don't expect for my writing to ever be perfect or my work to be well-regarded on some random website. I'm not in it for that. It's just posting about my world helps me relax and hopefully, you'll get a kick out of reading about my life.

Feel free to post replies openly and honestly. Let me know what you feel. :)