Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Love Machine (and your WWE NWO predictions)

You wish I was a love machine. *sidelook* Anywho...let's get down to some of the big stories.

Tejada will probably go to PMITA prison after pleading guilty to lying about steroids. He fought the law and the law won.
UNC beats Duke at Duke. Again. Fark is right, Duke sucks.
Chelsea sacks Scolari as they fall further from the BPL lead. This is one of the reasons I love futbol, you're in 4th place of a 20-team league and your job is still in danger. Epic.
Yours truly found a Valentine. *sidelook* She might be in Atlanta and I'm stuck in Detroit (currently snow and 24 F), but I've discovered more and more that she is teh awesomeness.

Now, on to NWO predictions.


This is the PPV that sets things up for WM25. And wouldn't you know it, two elimination chamber matches fuck up what I thought was going to be smooth predictable sailing to Houston. But one show's main event is far more set in stone than others. Here are the picks.

All or Nothing Match
John Bradshaw Layfield vs Shawn Michaels
If HBK wins, he is "released from JBL's contract with a severance package that will ensure financial freedom for his family"
If JBL wins, he "owns the HBK name and likeness for all of his private business ventures on a permanent basis"
Will Win: HBK
Who I Want To Win: JBL
Now I know what you are thinking: why do you want a deadbeat like JBL to win? But a JBL win could actually make things very interesting around the "E". Playing off the bad economy has been a pretty intriguing angle, and it would be interesting to see it continue into WM25. But of course, we can't have the marks ask Shawn about his condition outside the arena. Just ask Jericho about what happens when marks approach him after the show. So Shawn wins and gets his freedom.

No Holds Barred Match
Randy Orton vs WWE Executive Vice-President Shane McMahon
Will Win: Shane
Who I Want To Win: No Preference
Shane is always there to steal the show, so this will be the match of the night. Whatever way this match goes is fine with me, cause the Raw main event is pretty much set in stone for WM25. And the McMahons will be involved in that match in full force.

ECW Championship Singles Match
ECW Champion Jack Swagger vs Finlay
Will Win: Swagger
Who I Want To Win: Swagger
Well, this got a hell of a lot more interesting on ECW this past Tuesday night. Which makes me angry that Christian CAGE's return got squashed to a random ECW. Sorry, Finlay, but now you really have no chance on Sunday. Swagger and Christian will fight at WM25 (or sooner, if the draft is April 13 like the rumors say) for the ECW title.

World Heavyweight Championship 6-Man Elimination Chamber Match
World Heavyweight Champion John Cena vs Rey Mysterio vs Kofi Kingston vs Mike Knox vs Kane vs Chris Jericho
Will Win: Cena
Who I Want To Win: Anyone but Knox
See Orton's match. We all know Cena is going to win. The Raw main event for WM25 is too predictable: Cena vs Orton with some sort of McMahon influence. But that doesn't mean the "E" can't surprise me with a Kofi or Rey or even Kane (even though he doesn't want a world belt) win in this match. Jericho I thought could be a darkhorse possibility, but after his stunt last weekend in Victoria, that won't be happening, and besides, he has Rourke to worry about at WM25. Cena retains to set up his match with Orton. Expect to see Kofi and Rey in MITB though (and possibly Kane).

WWE Championship 6-Man Elimination Chamber Match
WWE Champion Edge vs The Undertaker vs Triple H vs Jeff Hardy vs Vladimir Kozlov vs The Big Show
Will Win: Edge, Taker, HHH, or Hardy
Who I Want to Win: Edge, Taker, or Hardy
The WM25 FNSD main event, on the other hand, is far less predictable at this point because you pretty much have the 6 heavy-hitter FNSD superstars in this match. And you have 4 superstars that could potentially set up huge FNSD main events (no disrespect intended for Kozlov or Show). If it's Jeff, obviously you have Jeff vs Matt (which will happen anyways, it's all a matter of title status at this point) for the title. If it's HHH, Edge can go the rematch clause route for an entertaining main event. Ditto for Edge and HHH would get in there somehow. If it's Taker, then it will just be some random heel, maybe Edge. So many ways this could go, and it will be very interesting what WM25 main event develops. They'll have to do it quickly too, before next Friday, to give time to promote the main event. There's a small chance that if a non-Hardy face wins (Taker or HHH), Orton would switch to FNSD and challenge him, but I think that's slim to none.

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