Monday, January 26, 2009

I'm staying up all night long.

So as promised, here's what I thought of the Rumble:

Swagger is getting better in the ring.
Melina got the belt, but what a messed-up ending for a pay-per-view match.
Cena and JBL both get kicked by HBK. Weren't we supposed to get total resolvement?
Matt...Matt...I was totally expecting Christian to be in your slot and instead you backstab your brother.
So it's gonna be Cena vs. Orton at WM25? Sigh...
I marked at RVD. Holy crap, I marked at RVD.

Pretty good PPV, wish I was there.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The night shift beckons.

A week to catch up on sports...ok here we go.

NBA -- Pistons have no heart. They better find one soon or they will not have any chance at 1st round home court.
NHL -- Versus is horrible. They missed SIX goals during tonight's All-Star Skills Challenge. That is inexcusable. Here's hoping ESPN gets the NHL in 2011.
NFL -- Pittsburgh/Baltimore was a fun matchup to watch. Lots of great hits in what was a well-expected defensive matchup. Can they stop the Arizona defense in the Super Bowl? My thoughts on the Super Bowl later this week.
Winter X -- Enough about LaVallee and his failed double backflip. Let's talk about how Shaun White is still the king of action sports after his run on slopestyle today. If White is the king, Jacobellis is the queen (5th gold in Boardercross). Does that make Hibbert the court jester? *I kid*
MCBB -- GT sucks, Michigan has been disappointing the last week, and Duke's #1. Yep, time to start avoiding MCBB.
Soccer -- Man U continues to prove they are the champs until they are knocked moving into Rd 5 of the FA Cup and going top of the Premier League table. Also competitive in Serie A with Juve and Inter Milan.
WWE -- Holy controversial storylines Batman! Jeff Hardy gets some fireworks in his face and Vince McMahon gets Randy Orton's boot in his. Rumble tomorrow should be good.
Rumble predictions: Swagger retains, Cena retains, Edge wins the title, Melina wins the title, HHH wins the Rumble.
If you want to watch the Rumble and you're in the Detroit area, join me at Buffalo Wild Wings in Lake Orion. I'll be there at 6 for the NHL All-Star Game sporting the Yzerman 19.

Full Royal Rumble reaction on the Buzz tomorrow night.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Oklahoma City is not a good team to lose to.

I don't care if it's on the road or not. No business.

Anyways, enough about basketball.

Let's talk about the Conference Championships this weekend.
PHI @ ARZ: The cold snap must be getting to Hell too, cause there's an NFC Championship Game taking place in Glendale, AZ. And it's between the NFC Champion Cardinals and the magic comeback of the Eagles. Kurt Warner is a nice story and all, but the Eagles have the better players. Enough of this s**t: Philadelphia 31-21 Arizona
BAL @ PIT: Will there be any points scored in this defense vs. defense showdown at the ketchup bottle? My bet is on very little, so it all comes down to who gets to 14 first. Roethlisberger has been in this stage before, Flacco hasn't. Advantage Steelers: Baltimore 7-17 Pittsburgh

Yes, that means I've picked an all Pennsylvania Super Bowl. Maybe it's a benefit Gruden got out of Tampa today.

Other ramblings:
Job stuff is going really well. In respect to employers who may be considering me, I won't reveal who I'm in contact with, but I think that, with my additional interview knowledge, this will give me the upper hand. :)
ND/Syra (12pm ET ESPN HD), G'Town/Duke (1:30pm ET CBS HD), Wake/Clemson (3:30pm ET ABC HD for some of you), ASU/UCLA (3:45pm ET CBS HD), Pitt/Louisville (6pm ET ESPN HD)
And don't forget the Wings in a big battle in San Jose (10:30pm ET)
The full TV schedule is on my [as3] website at

Check back tomorrow when I'll have thoughts on doing community work for basketball fun! :D

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

54 points in a college game. Holy crap.

I got a lot done today on the job front. I won't discuss my opportunities until I get the job, but let's just say I got a lot of contacts out there and hopefully I'll get a bite. I'll keep you guys updated.

Also, Boston officially announced their $5.5m contract for John Smoltz. It made me sad to see Smoltz in another uniform. Oh well, at least the Braves got Lowe (4-yr/$60m).

No, I didn't get around to calling people. Maybe I should tie a string on my finger.

Meeks 54 pts for Kentucky in a 90-72 win in Knoxville. Holy wow.
Charlotte 80-78 Pistons. Why are we losing to teams like this?
Hawks 102-107 Phoenix: It would be nice to prove ourselves and win to a Western team.
U(sic)GA is gonna lose another underclassman to the NFL *snerk*: this time CB Asher Allen. Good riddance I say.
And to show you how low Prior's career has fallen, San Diego signed him to a minor league contract today.
On ice: Boston has gone 15 up on Montreal with a 2-1 home win. How did the B's get so good?

Sooooooo tomorrow:
More job stuff. It's a daily chore with me.
GT b-ball gets to be raped by Duke (7 ET on ESPN HD)
Happier news: Pistons in Indiana, Thrashers get an actual chance to win vs. Ottawa (7:30 ET on NHL Network HD), Michigan BB in Illinois (8:30 ET on Big Ten HD), Red Wings with a big game in Anaheim
Game of the night on campus: Syracuse @ G-town (7:30 ET on ESPN2 HD)

Yes, they sell video games at 7-Eleven.

So I saw "The Spirit" as advertised tonight. I don't get the bad reviews and low gross for it. Sure, it wasn't as good as "Sin City" or "300", but then again what is? Very well done art style with hotties Eva Mendes and Scarlett Johannson turning up the heat. [ A- ] The best movie I've seen since the summer.

Also, Lifetime Fitness. Wow, that place is huge. Although they were really good trying to get me roped in off my guest pass: "JOIN FOR $40/mo BEFORE FRIDAY!" And I'm thinking, "Let me get a money stream going in, I don't need to be paying that money when I have to worry about loans and cellphone bills first." But if I have the money, I'm thinking of joining. There's a gut on me that needs to go away.

Wings 4-5 Stars in OT. Shame I missed most of this game (Spirit) cause by listening to the highlights on Home Ice on the way home, apparently this was a good Wings game to watch. Oh well, we get the point on the road. We'll take it with trips to Anaheim and San Jose later this week.
Tony Dungy retires from the head coach job in Indy. Good on you, you always coached with class. Have fun in your retirement. :)
Tim Tebow gets shoulder surgery but should be ready for spring practice. What really needs surgery is the Te-bowner that the media has over him.
On Campus: Louisville 87-73 Notre Dame in OT, Oklahoma 78-63 Texas
Reading the Raw report (yes i watch WWE): Jericho fired, Regal keeps the IC title, Michaels and Cena AGAIN...nope didn't really miss anything. Still looking for RR tickets if you're in the Detroit area.

DOT APPLICATION MANIA!!! And callbacks! Busy busy day on the job front.
Gotta call some family members up. See what they are doing.
My teams: Pistons host Charlotte, Hawks are in Phoenix
National games: Habs @ Bruins (7 ET Versus HD), UK @ Tenn (9 ET ESPN HD), ND @ Marquette (9 ET CBS College)

So in other words, expect my blog entry tomorrow to be very interesting indeed. ;)

Monday, January 12, 2009

I'm actually gonna get some exercise.

So my Dad got a membership to Lifetime Fitness up here in the Detroit area (link to their website). Which means I actually get to get some exercise. Of course, with all that is in this exercise building monstrosity, I might just become like Kate Moss and slip through a crack in the floor to my doom. What could possibly go wrong...

Later tonight, I'm going to see "The Spirit" (which has apparently done so poorly it's on at 10pm only :( ). I'll let you know if everyone else was right to avoid it.

In the meantime, expect to see a lot of these in my posts. My advice for what to watch in sports.
Red Wings at Dallas: 8pm ET on Versus HD
Texas at Oklahoma: 9pm ET on ESPN HD

- zs - i also use a lot of family guy references, see if you can spot it in this post ;) -

Welcome to the Engineer Buzz

This is a blog that I just decided to start out of the blue. In case you don't know who I am, let me tell you. My name is Zach. I just graduated last May with a degree in civil engineering from Georgia Tech, and I'm very proud of my degree from there. Unluckily for me, I entered in the worst job market in history. But enough about that.

What this blog is about is a random commentary on the world around me: from sports to gaming to entertainment to whatever. If it's interesting, I'll have an opinion on it.

Now I don't expect for my writing to ever be perfect or my work to be well-regarded on some random website. I'm not in it for that. It's just posting about my world helps me relax and hopefully, you'll get a kick out of reading about my life.

Feel free to post replies openly and honestly. Let me know what you feel. :)