Friday, April 3, 2009

ok, never mind.

The roof will be closed on Sunday night. So that should mean fewer technical bullshit.

WrestleMania 25 Predictions


WWE has done something with the silver anniversary of their marquee event I didn't think they could do: build up their matches, for the most part, extremely well. 5 of the 9 matches have been given a great run-up with some great shoots, some interesting spots, and compelling plot twists. If WWE can pull off a show the same way they have built it up, they can make a lot of the smarks who have been turned off the WWE the past few years back on. As is every WrestleMania, this is a big moment.

First off, let me give you some lists:

Matches in order of best buildup since Royal Rumble 2009:
1-T. HHH vs Orton
1-T. Taker vs HBK
3. WHC Triple Threat
4-T. Carlitos vs Jealous Twins
4-T. Jericho vs Geezers
6. Hardy vs Hardy
7. Money In The Bank
8. Diva Battle Royal
9. JBL vs Mysterio

Matches in order of how much I am looking forward to them:
1. Taker vs HBK
2. HHH vs Orton
3. Money In The Bank
4. Carlitos vs Jealous Twins
5. Hardy vs Hardy
6. WHC Triple Threat
7. Jericho vs Geezers
8. Diva Battle Royal
9. JBL vs Mysterio

Finally, 5 things the WWE MUST accomplish with WM25 for success going forward:
1. Avoid so many damn technical difficulties. Even though I don't know if WWE will have the roof open or closed Sunday (Reliant Stadium is a retractable roof stadium), having last year's WM in the open air of the Citrus Bowl may have contributed to the many technical snafus (e.g. the lights going out during Maria's match, the pyro malfunction at the end, etc.) that WWE suffered last year. Sure, it looked impressive to have full pyro reign last year, but having a repeat of technical hell this year that you had in 2008 is going to hurt your bottom line, WWE. Especially in this economy.
2. Don't make the musical performances bigger than they need to be. Remember, people are in Houston this weekend to see a wrestling event, not a classic rock concert. And while I can live with one Kid Rock song (I can use it as a bathroom break), this really is not the time and the place for that sort of shit. There is a time and a place for live music at WrestleMania, such as America the Beautiful at the top of the show, or a la Triple H's entrance at WM21, but no full songs in Glendale for WM26, please.
3. Resuscitate the tag team division. I love the Carlito/Morrison/Miz match because it will give us a unified tag team champion I think can have staying power. And we have several face tag teams (Jesse/Festus, Cryme Tyme, etc.) that really can beg for a face push. You have an opportunity to give the tag division some life. Don't blow it.
4. Let Stone Cold, if he wants to, get back in the business. What a golden opportunity for Stone Cold, who gets put into the Hall tomorrow, to get back into the WWE as a commentator, as Tazz's last FNSD broadcast airs tonight. Stone Cold might not want to take the role and that's fine, but a JR/Austin teamup could be very interesting. I've heard murmurs that Joey Styles will get back to ringside and take over and that's ok too, but Austin is my personal choice to add some spice to FNSD.
5. And most important: WIN THE SMARKS BACK. It's surreal to me watching my DVD for WM24 just how much the WWE has changed in the past year. The television rating for WWE programming declined to TV-PG, mostly due to Linda's Connecticut Board of Education entry. While I am happy for her, the product has suffered, mostly due to the ratings change imho, greatly since March 2008. Viewership, not surprisingly, has followed the downward trend. With the way the WWE has built these WM angles, the WWE has a real opportunity to win the smarks, or fans like me who think deeper about the show than just the storyline, back into a vested interest in wrestling programming. As it should be, WrestleMania is a big barometer for the company. Blow this show, WWE, and you're gonna have more people, especially in this economy, take off for the world of MMA and other entertainment venues. You have no real competition, WwE. Quit acting like it.

Now for the match predictions. As usual, "Will win" is who I think the WWE will put over on Sunday night. "Who I want to win" is my personal rooting interest. Be aware, rooting interest for all matches extends to the people I don't choose if they can show me something extremely impressive (a la Morrison and Benjamin in last year's MITB).

World Heavyweight Champion Edge defending vs John Cena and The Big Show in a triple threat match.
Will win: John Cena
Who I want to win: Edge
In a milestone WrestleMania year, we can't have the top face not going over in the main event, can we? I don't think so, and that is why Supergirl should be able to F.U. Big Show to pick up the victory. And that's exactly why I'll be chanting "YOU CAN'T WRESTLE" in Atlanta on 4/13. But long-time viewers should know I am and forever will be an Edge-head. So come on Edge, you can win Vickie back, I guess.

WWE Champion Triple H defending vs Randy Orton
Will win: Triple H
Who I want to win: Randy Orton
If 2 weeks ago on Raw proved anything (where Randy laid out and almost laid SMH), it's that Triple H is going to be put over and keep his title. But don't let that distract you from what should be a very good match because, quite frankly, with the way they have built this rivalry up since No Way Out, they have no choice. I still want to see Randy win it as a reward for his character improvement the last several months (maybe with a VKM heel turn), but I don't think that will happen.

The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels
Will win: Taker by just a hair
Who I want to win: No preference
Following PPV logic, Taker should win this based on the fact that HBK has been punking his mind each of the last 4-5 weeks. But I really don't know: Michaels is close to retirement and this could really be the moment where his career is solidified, not that it needed much solidifying to begin with. I think it's going to be a really really close match and I don't think you can lock Taker into 17-0 automatically like some smarks are doing. Taker, after kicking out of Sweet Chin Music, will capture the win with either a Tombstone or the Hell's Gate submission. Great match nonetheless to validate a superb buildup between the two WWE veterans.

WWE Tag Team Champions Carlito and Primo vs World Tag Team Champions John Morrison and The Miz in a tag team lumberjack match
Winners unify the championships into the Unified WWE Tag Team Championships
Will win: Morrison and Miz
Who I want to win: Morrison and Miz
This could easily steal the show from MITB and Taker/HBK. The four superstars in this match have already shown they can pull off impressive moves (read: Carlito's reversal backstabber on last week's FNSD), not to mention the Bella rivalry has been actually watchable. But I sense a heel turn by the good Bella (idk the names, the one with the Carlitos), making the Bellas the girls you love to hate. And that could be good for Morrison and Miz's characters going forward. Adding to an already impressive year, Morrison and Miz unify the titles.

Money In The Bank Ladder Match
Winner earns a world title shot at the date and time of his choosing anytime before WrestleMania XXVI (March 2010)
Participants: CM Punk, Kane, Mark Henry, WWE United States Champion Montel Vontavious Porter, Shelton Benjamin, Kofi Kingston, Christian, and Finlay
Will win: Christian
Who I want to win: MVP, Kofi, or Christian
They really didn't build up MITB all that well this year, basically dismissing it as a yearly occurrence with no significance. Oh well, it should still be a fun match to watch with a chance for the lighter competitors in this match to zoom out of the mid-card like Punk did last year with winning this match, or like Morrison last year, who won me over with his impressive spots. My money is on Christian: I don't think they can keep him in the mid-card for this long based on the pushes he got in TNA. And with the draft coming up, a Christian win would certainly see him moving to one of the two main shows on April 13. But don't underestimate two other superstars in this match too: MVP, who could continue his winning push he's had so far this year; or Kofi, who could play off his Elimination Chamber chance being taken away at No Way Out. Any way you shape it, look for a face win here.

Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy in an Extreme Rules match
Will win: Jeff Hardy
Who I want to win: No preference so long as plenty of weapons are involved
Yes, the Extreme Rules stip sounds appetizing, but remember, this is the first WrestleMania we've had since the TV rating system came out that we watch a TV-PG show. So this match has a chance to become the most underwhelming match on the card. Not to mention that this angle has become a talk-fest the last 3 weeks. So at least I won't be disappointed when we see no blood or no extremely dangerous weapons go down here. Jeff satisfies his fans and wins.

Chris Jericho vs Rowdy Roddy Piper, Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat, and Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka in a 3 vs 1 Handicap Elimination Match
Note: Jericho must eliminate all of his opponents to win.
Will win: The geezers
Who I want to win: The geezers
So this will probably be the match where Mickey Rourke shows up and helps the geezers. Ok, fine, I'll go along with this, only cause I want to see Randy get the ultra-heel run that Jericho will give up in this match. Come on, Chris, I dare you to prove me wrong.

There are two matches I really don't have a far opinion on:

WWE Intercontinental Champion John Bradshaw Layfield defending vs Rey Mysterio
Will win: JBL
Who I want to win: Rey Mysterio

25-diva Battle Royal (over top rope/both feet touch); winner to be crowned Miss WrestleMania
Will win: A heel diva, probably Maryse
Who I want to win: No preference

So I'm rooting for a great show by WWE, and some superstars in particular. Let's all celebrate 25 years of the weekly and annual mayhem.

Those who aren't ordering the PPV (and those who are), I will be Twittering LIVE during WrestleMania with live match analysis and results. Join me Sunday at 6:45pm ET at and be sure to "follow" me for a live event Twitter session from the WWE Draft in Atlanta April 13 at 6:45pm ET.